Tuesday, January 3, 2012

sheung wan, hong kong

one thing in hong kong that i have noticed that i guess translates to a lot of other countries, is that during the winter season, black and grey becomes a staple in everyones wardrobe.

people tend to step their fashion game up into high gear during the colder months, accessorising and layering like crazy, but for some reason forget about colour. it's kind of strange that a time of year surrounded by so many holidays and parties, people are sticking to the monotone palette. don't get me wrong, i am still very much into navy for this winter, i'm no stranger to the black hoodie, black socks, black beanies etc. as well, but i think during this festive period, i was expecting to see more.

i think amongst all this black and grey, i'm feeling inspired to bust out more colour and print.

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